Free CV & Resume WordPress Theme

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Mr is a clean, multifunctional, highly customizable one page CV/Resume WordPress theme. You can make an excellent online resume with about, skill, resume, portfolio, services, blog, pricing, client, Working Process and contact section by using Mr. This theme is fully customizable, responsive, mobile-friendly, Bootstrap based. Mr is suitable as a vCard, creative Portfolio or personal CV and resume website for artists, designers, and job-seekers. It’s design & premium graphics look awesome on any device your employer/client uses: iPhone, iPad, Android, Mac, BlackBerry, Windows & Linux. Mr WordPress Theme’s code is well optimized for fast loading and SEO.

Excellent CV/Resume WordPress Theme
Mr. is the modern WordPress theme for personal CV/Resume Website. The great features & functionalities of this theme will help you to build your personal website.
Codestar Framework
Mr Person CV/Resume WordPress Theme has created with Codestar Framework. It’s strong Admin Panel will help someone to handle all section smoothly.

Custom Post Type
The custom post types of Mr are nicely organized for end user. Portfolio, Teams post type can fulfill you with its custom post types.
Custom Widget
Mr has premium quality custom widgets those will make your website gorgeous looking.

Strong Admin Panel
Mr has a strong admin panel which is really awesome easy to handle for a new user. To read the theme documentation a user can easily handle the admin panel.
Core Features
You can trust about our products and services. We are ready to provide you modern and professional design as your expectation.

Mr is a 100% responsive WordPress theme and fits well on all browsers regardless of devices.

Mr is a ready website which is fully translatable. Install and activate the Loco translator plugin then do the rest working process as documentation. Your website will translatable.

Responsive Layout
This theme is 100% responsive layout & compatible for all kinds of the device like- Mobile, Tablet, Android, Desktop & Others.