CCR Limo

Free Business HTML Template
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CodexCoder Developed Limo's HTML format as a stylish and modern HTML template from Limo PSD Template. Just several days ago we have released its PSD format. Now we developed its HTML format for our audience.

CCR Limo is a one page template, but congregated all attractive features with some common template features. Limo is integrated with Bootstrap 3, Font Awesome, jQuery, MixitUp. It has Responsive carousel slider system, pricing table, portfolio Gallery and common features of an HTML template. It will be a perfect piece to display your business with map facility.

Limo is a professional and clean theme for any purpose use such as personal, business or corporate. It can be modified easily to outfit as you like to see. Especially MixitUp gives a different touch to make more eye-catching outlook.

  • Compatible Browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, iOS Safari Opera Mini, Android Browser Chrome for Android
  • File Include: HTML, CSS, javascript
  • Layout: Responsive


  1. Fully Responsive
  2. Code Validated by W3C
  3. One Page Theme
  4. Clean and Professional Design.
  5. 1170px Grid System
  6. Font Awesome
  7. Portfolio Gallery
  8. Pricing Table
  9. Bootstrap 3, jQuery, MixitUp integrated
  10. Responsive Carousel Slider
  11. Special effects
  12. Map facility
  13. Service Page
  14. About Us Page
  15. Team, Contact form, Map

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